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Get to know us

Heidi and Christian Jaun took over the Wald village cheese dairy near Schangnau as milk buyers in 1981, when they produced two Emmental cheeses a day and employed an apprentice.

Over the next few years, the Jaun couple opened a store and began producing cheese specialties.

History - 2-column

In1996 , five farmers imported 15 water buffaloes from Romania and the first Swiss buffalo mozzarella was born on our farm. In the same year, we took over a neighboring cheese dairy. This was followed in 1997 by the switch from Emmental to "Switzerland Swiss", a rectangular large-hole cheese, also known as Tigre. In 2000 and 2003, we took over the milk from two other cheese dairies.

In2008 , we opened our modern production facility with a store and visitor gallery.

In2009 , we won the Migros "Aus-der-Region-Meilenstein-Preis" for our buffalo mozzarella.

The former village cheese dairy is now called Bergkäserei Marbach and is run by us, Michael and Regula Jaun, the second generation. The regional dairy farmers are involved in the company.

Every year, we process around 12 million liters of milk into around 1000 tons of cheese products. From the Entlebuch - for the whole of Switzerland and the world.

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