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Cheese enjoyment from the Entlebuch

the recipe book of Bergkäserei Marbach AG

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Wild, rebellious, beautiful

The Entlebuch is the only UNESCO biosphere in Switzerland and has a lot of character. This is exactly where we are at home, in Marbach LU to be precise. The pre-alpine municipality lies at 871 m above sea level. M. and is the home of our mountain cheese dairy. Happy cows and buffaloes have been grazing on lush meadows for decades. Our employees use their milk to create the best cheese specialties according to traditional recipes.

In combination with selected ingredients and the best spices, burrata & co. provide culinary variety in the home kitchen. Inspired by the region and perfected in collaboration with the excellent kitchen at Kemmeriboden-Bad, this book contains top-class cheese recipes.

Sometimes wild, sometimes rebellious, but always fabulous: immerse yourself in the characterful cuisine of the Marbach mountain cheese dairy.


Lp - 2-column e-book
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