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Craft & Production


Good cheese gets up early. We gently heat the milk at around three o'clock in the morning to start production. You can experience at first hand how milk is turned into cheese in our experience dairy.

Modern infrastructure, traditional recipes: Read more about the cheese specialties from our dairy.



Milk is turned into cheese in all shapes and sizes. The rennet coagulates the milk and enables pre-cheesemaking: a cheese harp cuts the mass until curd is formed, i.e. cheese grains and whey. This mixture is pressed for four to five hours.

One day later, we place the cheeses in a salt bath. They remain there for around 36 hours. For cheeses with holes, the absorbed salt prevents holes from forming directly under the surface. The wheels are then lubricated in the ripening cellar or treated to prevent holes from forming.

And how do the holes get into the cheese? Tiny bacteria are responsible: at around 19 to 20 °C, propionic acid bacteria start their work and form gases - around 150 liters per wheel. These gases escape and holes form. After six to seven weeks, the formation of holes is complete.

Buffalo mozzarella and mozzarella made from mountain milk

We make our mozzarella by hand, either from pure buffalo milk for the buffalo mozzarella or from fresh mountain milk for the cow's milk mozzarella. Mozzarella is a fresh cheese that you can enjoy as soon as it is made. It takes less than eight hours from heating the milk early in the morning to delivery at lunchtime.

Did you know? The first Swiss buffalo mozzarella came from our company.

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