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Burrata with beetroot and carrot salad

Recipe for 4 people


4 Burratas
5 TABLESPOONS olive oil
1 pc fresh papaya
100g almond kernels

various fresh herbs (finely plucked)
Fleur de Sel & pepper from the mill

Beetroot and carrot salad

2 Beetroot, peeled raw
2 Finger carrots (spring carrots)
1 red onion, finely sliced
50g honey
175g Balsamic vinegar Modena

salt, sugar, ground coriander, ground cumin
Pepper from the mill to taste


  • Peel and deseed the papaya. Cut into slices approx. 2 cm thick. Cut into thirds. Set aside.
  • Toast the almond kernels in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, tossing occasionally, until the desired color is achieved. Leave to cool on a plate. Then roughly chop with a knife.

Beetroot and carrot salad

  • Cut the beetroot into approx. 1 × 1 cm pieces. Peel the finger carrots and cut into thin slices at a slight angle. Add to the beetroot. Add the onions, honey and balsamic vinegar. Mix well with your hands. Season to taste.
  • Leave to stand in the fridge for 3 days. Vacuum-sealing in a vacuum bag would be ideal.
  • Season again after 3 days.
  • Now arrange everything on a plate.
  • Drizzle the burrata with olive oil. Season with fleur de sel and freshly ground pepper. Place the papaya on top of the lettuce. Arrange the herb salad and sprinkle with toasted almonds.
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