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Burrata and tomato risotto

Recipe for 4 people


1-2 Burratas
1 piece red onion, finely diced
2 pcs garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 TBSP olive oil
400g risotto rice (e.g. Carnaroli)
150 ml white wine
1l hot vegetable or veal bouillon
2 pcs bay leaves
2 pcs cloves
150g cherry tomatoes, halved
2 TABLESPOONS tomato puree

Salt, pepper and sugar to taste

Roasted cherry tomatoes

12 cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes, halved
2 pcs Garlic cloves, roughly chopped
2 TBSP OLIVE OIL olive oil

salt and sugar

Green of the tomato stalk star

2-3 pcs Panicles of cherry tomatoes (cut the stars from the panicles)
200-300g Vegetable, peanut or rapeseed oil

Salt & thermometer to check the temperature!

Activated charcoal chip

55g water
65g Olive oil
100g flour
2g Activated charcoal from the drugstore


  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions and garlic until translucent.
  • Sauté the rice briefly. Deglaze with white wine. Reduce the wine over a medium heat, stirring until it is almost gone. Now add the tomato purée and pour in the stock until everything is covered. Continue to cook over a medium heat, stirring constantly. Keep adding stock until everything is covered and the desired rice consistency is achieved. This process takes about 15-20 minutes. Stir in the bay leaf and cloves if necessary.
  • After approx. 15 mins. add the cherry tomatoes, stir frequently and simmer for a further 5 mins. until the rice is al dente.
  • Carefully fold in the burrata in small pieces, season and arrange on plates. Garnish with sprigs of thyme and serve.

Fried cherry tomatoes

  • Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Place the tomatoes in the pan, cut side down. Add the garlic. Season lightly with salt and sugar. Fry for approx. 8 mins. Finished.

Fried green tomato stalk star

  • Pour the oil into a suitable pan so that the oil is approx. 1.5 to 2 cm deep.
  • Heat the oil to 140 °C. Add the tomato stalk stars and carefully stir once with a spoon. Bake for approx. 1 - 1.5 mins.
  • Carefully remove the tomato stalk stars from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper.
  • Salt lightly. If necessary, dry the stars in the oven at 50 °C fan oven for 1 hour.

Activated charcoal chip

  • Mix everything together in a blender or hand blender.
  • Pour approx. 1 ladle (50 ml) into a hot, non-stick frying pan (medium heat).
  • Allow to fry. Be careful during this process as it will splatter a lot.
  • After approx. 1 - 1.5 min., remove the chip with tongs, tweezers or a pallet and drain on kitchen paper. Leave to cool briefly. Break into the desired size and garnish.
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