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Focaccia filled with burrata

Recipe for 4 people


Focaccia dough

500g white flour
1 pc cube fresh yeast
3 dl lukewarm water
2 TBSP. olive oil
1½ TSP salt
1 pinch of sugar

Flour for the baking tray


1 burrata
8-12 anchovies
½ Cucumber (diced, approx. 6x6 mm)
8 leaves Chcorino Rosso lettuce

olive oil
fresh herbs
pepper from the mill
fresh onion, finely sliced


Focaccia dough

  • Work all the ingredients into a smooth, soft dough.
  • Cover the dough and leave to rise in the oven for 1 hour with the light on.
  • Then knead well again.
  • Press flat on a square baking tray and leave to rise again for 1 hour at room temperature.
  • Brush with milk and sprinkle lightly with the Fleur.
  • Bake in a preheated oven (240 °C) for approx. 12 mins. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
  • Cut into the desired size and cut a crosswise pocket (approx. ⅔ deep).


  • Cut the burrata into pieces of any size. Fill the pocket with burrata, anchovies, diced cucumber and lettuce. Finish with olive oil, onion rings and spices. Serve.
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