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Blueberry compote

Blueberry compote with burrata

Recipe for 4 people


Blueberry compote

500g Blueberries, frozen (or fresh, wild)
2 TBSP. sugar
1 dl water
1 pinch of salt

Blueberry chip

40g flour
40g Blueberries, frozen
2 TBSP. water
40g egg white
40g Powdered sugar
40g Butter (room temperature)

mint oil

100g fresh mint
200g rapeseed or vegetable oil
1g sugar

coffee filter or straining cloth, thermometer, blender

4 TBSP honey
1 organic lemon

To serve

2 burratas
4 small sprigs of thyme

Blueberries, dried or fresh


Blueberry compote

  • Put everything together in a pan and cook over a medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the compote starts to thicken slightly. Leave to cool.

Blueberry chip

  • Place the blueberries and water in a small pan and slowly bring to the boil. Simmer gently over a low heat for 5 minutes. Puree with a hand blender.
  • Place the blueberries in a clean cloth and squeeze out the juice firmly. Keep the juice!
  • Now mix the blueberry juice and remaining ingredients with a hand mixer until smooth.
  • Spread the mixture approx. 2 mm thick on a silicone mat and leave to dry in the oven at 50 - 60 °C for 8 - 10 hours

Mint oil

  • Place the mint in the blender (do not switch on yet).
  • Heat the oil in a pan to 65 °C using the thermometer and add to the mint together with the sugar. Switch on the blender and slowly turn up to full speed. Blend for 3 minutes.
  • Carefully pour the oil into a coffee filter or straining cloth. The entire process takes approx. 1 - 2 hours.
  • This process can also be used with any other herbs.

Lemon honey

  • Grate the zest from the lemon using a fine grater.
  • Squeeze the lemon.
  • Heat everything together in a small pan to approx. 50 °C and stir constantly until the juice and honey have combined.


  • Arrange in dessert bowls. Place half of the burrata on top of the compote, mix the honey and lemon juice and coat the burrata with it.
  • Garnish with sprigs of thyme and blueberries and serve.
Blueberry compote
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