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General Terms and Conditions

1. terms of contract
The following General Terms and Conditions of Business of Bergkäserei Marbach AG apply exclusively to all deliveries. Any terms and conditions of the customer that deviate from these shall not apply unless Bergkäserei Marbach AG has given its prior written consent.

2. protection of minors
Throughout Switzerland, spirits, aperitifs and alcopops may not be sold or served to persons under the age of 18. By sending the order, the customer bindingly assures that he has reached the legally prescribed minimum age (18 years). Bergkäserei Marbach AG is not liable if false information is provided. If a customer orders although he is not yet 18 years old, no valid purchase contract is concluded. Any deliveries already made must be returned immediately at the customer's expense.

3 Conclusion of the contract
Only written orders placed via the shopping cart on our website will be accepted. The "order confirmation" sent automatically to the customer is merely an indication that the order has been received on our server, but not an order confirmation in the classic sense. The contract is concluded upon payment, whereupon the order is executed.

4. prices
The prices published on our website are per item/piece. The prices are stated in Swiss francs (CHF) including the statutory value added tax of 7.7% or 2.5%. They can be changed by Bergkäserei Marbach AG at any time before the contract is concluded.

5. payment
Products ordered via our website can be paid for as follows:

  • Purchase by credit card
  • Purchase against prepayment; in the case of prepayment, the invoice will be sent to the customer by e-mail in accordance with the order confirmation. The order will be processed after receipt of payment
  • Cash payment on collection

6 Delivery

6.1 Delivery areas
Deliveries are made throughout Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. No delivery abroad. For detailed information, please contact us at: info@kaeserei-marbach.ch

6.2 Type of delivery
Delivery is carried out by Swiss Post. The parcels are sent by A Mail. Please note that we sell our cheese by the piece. Natural weight fluctuations are possible. However, we only send pieces that deviate by a maximum of 40 grams from the stated weight.

6.3 Delivery times
We always send orders by A Mail from Monday to Thursday midday after receipt of payment. To prevent parcels from remaining unrefrigerated at the post office over weekends, we refrain from shipping from Thursday midday and Friday.

6.4 Delivery costs
The share of the delivery and packaging costs to be borne by the customer amounts to CHF 9 per order. For express or urgent shipments, the additional costs will be passed on to the customer. From a value of goods of CHF 80 per order, the costs of delivery shall be borne by Bergkäserei Marbach AG.

7 Defects
Please check the goods on receipt. All defects must be reported in writing to Bergkäserei Marbach AG within three days of receipt of the goods. In the event of loss, damage or breakage, an inventory must be made immediately by the responsible transport company (free of charge). If the customer fails to do so, no replacement delivery can be granted.

8 Returns
Bergkäserei Marbach AG vouches for the excellent quality of its products. Should the customer nevertheless be dissatisfied, the item in question must be returned with a written description of the complaint. A replacement delivery or refund of payment is only possible after consultation with the management of Bergkäserei Marbach AG.

9. data protection
The data transmitted will be used exclusively for processing the order. All data will be treated as strictly confidential. Data will only be passed on to third parties (e.g. shipping services) if this is necessary for the specific processing of the order. However, Bergkäserei Marbach AG cannot accept any liability for data security during data transmission via the Internet (e.g. due to technical errors on the part of the provider) or for any criminal access by third parties to files on the website of Bergkäserei Marbach AG. Access data for the customer login, which is transmitted to the customer at the customer's request, must be treated as strictly confidential by the customer, as Bergkäserei Marbach AG cannot accept any responsibility for the use and utilization of this data.

10. place of jurisdiction
Any disputes arising from contracts with Bergkäserei Marbach AG shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Willisau

Final provisions
Should any of the above provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. Collateral agreements are only effective if they have been made in writing.


Bergkäserei Marbach AG
Dorfstrasse 16
CH-6196 Marbach LU
Telephone: +41 (0)34 493 31 44
Fax: +41 (0)34 493 47 44
Mail: info@kaeserei-marbach.ch

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