What is a bowl in Switzerland is similar to a "latte macchiato" in Italy. A coffee with a high milk content is a latte in our country. We turn away from the modern coffee machines and listen in our minds to the coffee running through the legendary filter in the morning, recalling the aroma that delicately wafts through the kitchen. And it is precisely this aroma that is legendary in Hexerkäse N°5 latte.

Why not enjoy the latte - Hexerkäse N°5 with fresh strawberries?

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MILCHKAFFEE - Hexerkäse N°5

Enjoy the "latte macchiato" witch cheese

What is a bowl in Switzerland is similar to a "latte macchiato" in Italy. A coffee with a high milk content is a latte in our country. We turn away from the modern coffee machines and listen in our minds to the coffee running through the legendary filter in the morning, recalling the aroma that delicately wafts through the kitchen. And it is precisely this aroma that is legendary in Hexerkäse N°5 latte.

Why not enjoy the latte - Hexerkäse N°5 with fresh strawberries?


Depending on the season or outside temperature, our products are shipped chilled.


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