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Burrata and spinach dumplings

Recipe for 4 people


Pasta dough

375g Pasta flour (double ground durum wheat semolina
375g white flour
1 TBSP. olive oil
7g salt
600g egg yolk

Burrata and spinach filling

150g Leaf spinach, fresh (e.g. salad spinach)
1 piece burrata

Salt, pepper and powdered sugar
Ice water to quench the spinach


1 Pasta dough, cut to size
1 Burrata filling
1 egg white

Pasta flour for the work surface

Knife or pasta cutter
Baking tray, lightly sprinkled with pasta flour

Rosemary butter

50g pine nuts
200g butter
25g rosemary needles (plucked from the sprig)
1 pinch of salt
1 piece Garlic clove, finely chopped

To serve
rosemary / butter / pine nut mixture

spinach oil

100g fresh spinach leaves
200g rapeseed, vegetable or olive oil
1 pinch of salt

coffee filter or straining cloth


Pasta dough

  • Put everything together (add the egg yolk at the end so that it mixes better) in a food processor. Use the dough hook. Knead on a slow speed for approx. 5 mins. Then remove the dough from the machine and knead again vigorously by hand to form a smooth dough.
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge to rest for 2 hours so that the gluten can develop properly.
  • Roll out to 2 mm in the pasta machine. Sprinkle with a little pasta flour each time you roll out the dough to prevent it from sticking.
  • Cut the pasta sheets into approx. 12 × 12 cm squares. Sprinkle with a little pasta flour and carefully place on top of each other. Approx. 6 - 8 pieces per heap. Place in a tin with a lid and refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Alternatively, you can also use ready-made pasta dough.

Burrata and spinach filling

  • Cut the spinach leaves into small pieces and steam until soft.
  • Cut the burrata into small pieces, add to the spinach and mix into a compact mass. Season to taste. If the mixture is too runny, add a little ground hazelnuts. Season to taste.


  • Place the pasta dough on the baking tray and brush with egg white.
  • Spoon a little mixture onto half of the rondelles and cover with the other half. Press well all around.
  • Boil the water and add a little salt, transfer the dumplings to the water using the baking tray and place in the water. Simmer for approx. 2 minutes over gently simmering water.

Rosemary butter

  • Toast the pine nuts without fat over a medium heat.
  • Finely chop the rosemary and sauté in butter with the pine nuts and garlic. Season to taste.

To serve

  • As soon as the dumplings rise in the pan, arrange on warmed plates.
  • Spread the hot rosemary/butter/pine nut mixture over the dumplings and serve.
  • Chopped walnuts or hazelnuts can also be used instead of pine nuts.

Spinach oil

  • Put the spinach in the blender (do not switch on yet).
  • Heat the oil in a pan to 65 °C using the thermometer. Add the oil and salt to the spinach. Start the blender and slowly turn up to full speed. Blend for 3 minutes.
  • Carefully pour the oil into a coffee filter or straining cloth. It will take approx. 1 - 2 hours to blend completely.
  • Add the pasta pockets.
  • This process also works with herbs.
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