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Water buffalo

Sensitive giants: our water buffalo

The water buffalo feel very much at home in our region in the foothills of the Alps. They prefer to graze and eat grass and hay. Our buffalo are Mediterranean buffalo. Their ancestors came to Schangnau from Romania back in 1996.

Did you know? Buffalo milk is rich: it contains twice as much protein and fat as cow's milk, is rich in vitamins and is very popular today.

Get to know water buffalo better

When you meet a buffalo, you feel respect. The animals are curious, sensitive and affectionate. Nevertheless, it is better not to get too close to them.

Would you like to get to know our water buffalo better? Then sign up for a guided tour of the buffalo farm, also in combination with a delicious cheese aperitif.

Visiting hours Büffelhof

7:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.


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