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Adventure trail

Legendary twittering - Adventures by the stream

The adventure trail is now on winter break and will be rebuilt in spring 2025.





Experience the story of the three birds Mar, Sol and Lou on the two-hour adventure trail through nature. The swallows, wagtails and sparrows will tell you lots of interesting facts about their birdlife.

20 posts with interactive games to discover, marvel at and puzzle over, as well as an inviting Swiss family fireplace, lead from the Marbach mountain cheese dairy to the Schangnau Ark Farm.

Our youngest guests can look forward to a children's play corner in the cheese experience at the Marbach mountain cheese dairy.

The adventure trail is ready! You too?

Have fun exploring and discovering!

If you have any questions, please call us:
+41 (0)34 493 42 93 or +41 (0)34 493 31 44

Opening hours
Open from May to the end of October


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